"Make every Moment Matter... Make every Moment Mindful!"
As a British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) registered psychotherapist I am committed to the principles and values set out by their Ethical Framework. Therefore, it is my duty to ensure I practice safely and professionally and that all therapeutic sessions (and relevant elements of group programmes & workshops) remain private and confidential per the framework.
Please find below a list of workshops and motivational programmes that can be delivered as standard or modified to meet the required needs of you or your service; bespoke programmes are also available. Whatever your needs they can be discussed during the FREE consultation and agreed upon subsequently. Contact HABITS for further information on their workshops in London... & beyond.
This illuminating workshop gives rudimentary insight into how habits are formed relative to thoughts, feelings and behaviours, with emphasis on the role of the mind and its inextricable link to neurochemistry. It will provide fundamental knowledge aimed at empowering all who attend... giving a refreshing, enhancing, life-changing approach to their understanding of this developmental process.
“The content was appealing… this was the best attended workshop.” - M. Davies; Hexagon Residents' Day
Вредные привычки, такие как опоздания или откладывание дел на потом, развиваются со временем, что, в свою очередь, может нанести вред работе, учебе и жизни в целом. Эта программа даст вам понимание базовой теории процесса формирования привычек, позволит выявить ваши вредные привычки и научит, как освободиться от них посредством разработки простых, но очень эффективных стратегий.
“She is an expert in the subject of habit formations and mental processes, striking an impressive balance between scientific principles and practical advice for guests.” - R. Shopra; LSBU Alumni Key Skills Lecture Series
This workshop explores the role of food on the brain and its significance in developing and maintaining good mental health as well as physical health. Participants will learn about the foods that are essential for the brain, why they are essential, and their contribution to brain structure and function. At the end of the session, participants will gain a good understanding of the foods that are important to eat as part of a nutritional diet in maintaining a holistic healthy lifestyle. In essence, this workshop truly highlights: “We are what we eat”... & so too is our brain!
“Excellent presentation and inspiring information… very good speaker… we need more.” - L. Gay; Hexagon Healthy Eating Community Road Show
This presentation was originally commissioned and written especially to honour black history as part of a Black History Month celebratory event.
“Healing the Enslaved Mind” centres on the psychological and emotional link of slavery throughout the last 600 years to today’s contemporary Afro-Caribbean race to give enlightenment on healing the wounded enslaved mind. There is a large body of data that highlights a high incidence of mental illness amongst this population; this workshop focuses on building esteem, confidence and a strong sense of identity that may be considered damaged due to the generational effects of what Dr DeGruy termed as PTSS... Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome!
“Brilliant presentation by Helen… so inspirational and educational… an exceptionally good motivational talk” - S. Robertson; Hexagon Black History Celebration of Health, Healing & Happiness
Мы злимся по разным причинам, связанным с событиями, переживаниями, мыслями, чувствами, отношениями и поведением. Вопрос в том, почему мы вообще злимся? Ну, простой ответ... потому что мы люди. Гнев – это нормальная человеческая эмоция. Однако именно реакция на наш гнев часто доставляет нам неприятности, когда она иррациональна, неуместна и неоправданна. В этой девятичасовой программе обучения, состоящей из 3–4 занятий, вы изучите и поймете корень и причины вашего гнева... обнаружите взаимосвязь между химией мозга и эмоциональными реакциями... и разработаете методы, помогающие справиться с гневом. управление и поддержание более здоровой реакции на гнев.
“Helen was highly competent in balancing the needs of the individuals with the need to cover the topics and progress clients’ understanding and learning.” - P. Reynolds; PT Manager, DARA
HABITS of London C.I.C | Registered in England & Wales | Company No: 10114035