Mindfulness Programmes in London

“When you change the way you look at things... the things you look at change!”


What is Mindfulness?

A atenção plena abrange fundamentalmente uma forma de ser que aumenta a nossa consciência de nós mesmos, dos outros e do mundo que nos rodeia, permitindo-nos assumir o controle da nossa mente e, portanto, assumir o controle da nossa vida. Esta consciência desenvolve-se principalmente concentrando a nossa atenção nas experiências emergentes de uma forma particular, sustentada e tripla:

  1. In the moment 2. On purpose 3. Without judgement

Cultivating familiar foundational attitudes is deemed essential to produce the powerful transformation and ultimate benefits in our Mindfulness life. Compassion, curiosity and acceptance are three such attitudes that enable us to respond to adverse events, emotions & thoughts we experience... with less reactivity... more ease and outcomes that align with our true values & beliefs.

The programmes below have been designed to deliver the fundamentals of Mindfulness through theory, practices and techniques. Any participant fully engaging in the programme and embracing the core principles will embark on a Mindfulness journey that is ultimately life-empowering... life-changing and life-long.

Whilst commencing or cultivating your Mindfulness journey please feel free to use the Guided Meditation Audio Tracks further below to encourage and enhance your Mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness Programmes

Mindfulness Programme – Level One©

  • Do you find yourself either racing around or lacking energy... mentally & physically... but not sure why?

  • Do you sometimes or often feel low, stressed, confused, fatigued, irritated, frustrated or demotivated?

  • Do you experience feelings of shame, guilt, loneliness, low self-esteem or low self-worth?

  • Do you feel life is unmanageable… at work… at school… at home… at socials?

  • Do you want to discover the powerful role emotions play & how they influence your relationship with self and others… in helpful & unhelpful ways?

If you answer yes to one or more of these questions this programme is for you. You will be introduced to a foundational understanding of Mindfulness, develop practices and learn techniques that will alleviate worry, stress & suffering and enable you to start taking better control of your life & your future. Become your best self... learn to: ‘Master your Mind so you can Master your Life!’

Este programa compreende seis sessões de 90 minutos, ministradas com duração de 1 sessão por semana; geralmente é precedido pela sessão introdutória opcional de 90 minutos (veja abaixo).

Programa Mindfulness – Nível Dois©

O Programa Mindfulness Nível 2 é para aqueles que concluíram o programa Nível 1 e estão adotando totalmente o estilo de vida Mindfulness. A ênfase do programa está no desenvolvimento contínuo e no fortalecimento de si mesmo. Novas práticas e técnicas são introduzidas com foco numa consciência mais profunda de si mesmo para identificação e reforço do poder interior para lidar com as adversidades da vida, para que a nossa alegria, paz e poder pessoal permaneçam.

This workshop comprises four 1-hour sessions run at a duration of one per week.

Mindfulness & Motivation For Work Workshop©

O Workshop Motivacional & Mindfulness para o Trabalho é um programa que prepara as pessoas para cultivarem suas carreiras. Consiste em 4 sessões de 3 horas, ministradas em 1 sessão por semana durante 4 semanas. O primeiro elemento do programa utiliza técnicas de aprimoramento motivacional para ajudá-lo a compreender os mecanismos e aumentar sua motivação para a mudança. O segundo elemento concentra-se na atenção plena para ajudá-lo a compreender seus hábitos mentais e como se tornar o que você tem de melhor. Ambos os elementos do programa permitir-lhe-ão quebrar barreiras de forma eficaz, aumentar a sua auto-estima e autoconfiança, construir a sua resiliência e concentrar a sua atenção para que possa fazer as escolhas certas para alcançar os seus objectivos profissionais. Quer seja melhorar ou aprender novas competências através de formação ou trabalho voluntário, iniciar uma licenciatura ou candidatar-se a um emprego que corresponda às suas capacidades e sonhos.

  • Each week addresses a different aspect of the process of motivating you for change… from presentation and completion of worksheets… to the development of knowledge and practice in Mindfulness to keep you focused and help you understand and manage stress and resistance. The Workshop is then followed by 2 1-1 sessions per participant to address any unresolved issues and an option of agreed upon monthly experiential Mindfulness group to continue and reinforce practice as well as offer space to explore currently occurring issues.

Introduction To Mindfulness©

This Introductory presentation gives a rudimentary understanding of the theory and practice of Mindfulness. It is delivered as the initial session in preparation for the Mindfulness Level 1 Programme or can be offered as a stand-alone session to assist in garnering interest. Participants will be introduced to the concepts and benefits of Mindfulness as well as the various practices and techniques fundamental to this significantly empowering and simplistic way of being.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation – Audio Tracks

Use our Audio Tracks to guide you through your Mindfulness practice.

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Mindfulness of Breathing

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Mindfulness of Breathing with Spaciousness

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Varredura Corporal

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Mindfulness of Sound

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Meditação da Bondade Amorosa

For more information about our Mindfulness programmes... contact HABITS today.

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