“Between the event and the response there is a space... this is where our freedom lies!"
At HABITS... we help clients from all backgrounds and walks of life maintain good mental, emotional and spiritual health... with emphasis on holistic well-being. Contact HABITS for further information about what we provide... including our range of mindfulness programmes, workshops & events... as well as other psychotherapeutic, motivational and supportive services.
Tom McCormack
Chief Executive (Former); Hexagon Housing Association
Helen first became known to Hexagon via her interest in developing a business aimed at helping others. Her idea was to build upon her own private and professional experience to deliver a range of services to individuals, families and organisations, including motivational workshops, psychotherapy and training programmes. It soon became apparent to all who met her that Helen was committed to her cause, passionate about helping others and brought some unique insights to her work.
Partly arising from this Helen later ran a motivational workshop at a Hexagon Residents’ Day. It soon became apparent that Helen brought something very special to the room and the enthusiastic chatter at the tea break was testament to the impact she had made on the people who attended.
So impressed were we that we asked Helen to attend our staff conference to address our own staff. Helen talked to staff about her own journey and how she came to work with our Community Investment Team to further develop her business. As always Helen was engaging, warm, inspiring and professional in equal measure.
Helen has gone on to do several other pieces of work with Hexagon including speaking at a Hexagon sponsored Black History Month event and running a Mindfulness course for our staff. Again her warmth and professionalism shone through at both these events.
Helen is an amazing character and she has been an inspiration to many including many of us here at Hexagon. She has a real gift that allows her to connect with people in an authentic and accessible manner. It is not everyone that can harness their spirit and energy to help motivate people to understand that they really can take control of their lives. Helen has that gift which has meant that she is held in high esteem by the many people here that she has worked with.
Roland Williams
Consultant, Author & Teacher; Roland Williams Consulting
The purpose of this brief correspondence is to communicate my wholehearted professional endorsement of Ms. Helen Raphael. I would highly recommend her as a therapist and would support any organization or individual to seek her services. I worked with Helen while she was employed at DARA Thailand; she was a focal counselor and I was the Director of Clinical Operations. I found her to be compassionate, insightful and skilled as a clinician. She was always willing to go the “extra mile” with her clients and was a strong advocate for their and the programs overall well being. Helen has a warm and engaging personality that lends itself to trust, and a sense of safety. I think she was especially effective with some of the more difficult clients.
She continues to work to improve her clinical skills and seems very committed to her career and her family. I would not hesitate to hire her again if the situation presented itself. Any client and/or organization would be lucky to have her be part of their support network.
Rishi Chopra
Senior Alumni Relations Officer; London South Bank University
Helen Raphael delivered a thoroughly engaging and motivational talk entitled “Breaking Bad Habits” for LSBU graduates. She is clearly an expert in the subject of habit formations and mental processes, striking an impressive balance between scientific principles and practical advice for guests. I received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees. Thank you Helen.
Tendai Chagweda
Diretor-gerente; Sucesso da Missão 4
Inicialmente, fiquei cético em relação à Terapia, presumindo que fosse algo para pessoas danificadas ou perturbadas, mas Helen imediatamente desmistificou isso para mim. Depois de receber o resultado do meu esquema, fui imediatamente convencido da ideia da terapia e completei uma série de mais de 20 sessões que mudaram completamente a minha vida, a minha mentalidade e a atitude geral em relação a mim e aos outros. A capacidade de Helen de deixar você à vontade me permitiu me abrir de uma maneira que nunca fiz antes - sou mais receptiva e menos crítica comigo mesma, o que tem um efeito negativo no trabalho que faço e nas experiências que encontro.
Sempre tive amor e sede de vida e de desenvolvimento pessoal e me expor à terapia me deu uma visão ainda mais positiva da vida.
Justin O'Brien
Conselheiro de Risco Clínico; Terapeuta Analítico Cognitivo; SW Londres e St.
I first met Helen in 2009 and was impressed with her abilities as a practitioner and therapist. Helen’s expertise is working in particular with dual diagnosis. She has demonstrated this in her training of other frontline clinicians in the field of dual diagnosis in this organisation for over a 3-year period. She also had an active caseload in working with other teams and supporting them in their work in these areas.
Minha experiência com Helen é seu comprometimento e paixão por seu trabalho em ver a parte integral da pessoa em sua recuperação. Ela tem as habilidades de apoiar o cliente de forma holística por meio de intervenções qualificadas. Ela faz isso com cuidado e atenção, reconhecendo as necessidades individuais de cada pessoa. Através da sua própria experiência, ela tem excelente visão e compreensão terapêutica nos trabalhos que realiza, onde os dons da paixão e da genuinidade transparecem.
“Fabulous, educational, potentially life-changing, Helen you should have a YouTube channel, your voice alone is so calming, thank you for the journey!”
“Helped unlock the mystery of meditation, life-changing, so thankful I decided to partake in this, it has had the most wonderful impact!”
“Helen was able to answer all questions in detail and in a way that was understood, the whole experience was a positive gift!”
“Helen delivered an exemplary programme, insightful and different, I’ve learnt so much over the 6-sessions!”
“Very well run, presented and excellent knowledge, a challenging new way of experiencing life!”
“Helen conhecia o assunto (obviamente) muito bem e nos passou a teoria de uma forma fácil de entender, interessante e desafiadora!”
“Enlightening and positively life-changing, thank you for introducing this to me!
“Worth it, I feel I have been given the tools to change!”
“Well worth it, thoroughly enjoyed it!”
“I enjoyed the whole experience, the best programme in the world!”
“The 6 weeks were very good, I learnt a lot about my mind, it would be nice if the sessions could be given to all the staff members of Hexagon!”
“It was great to be able to do this at work, thank you!”
“Embora alguns possam pensar que não é para eles, há um presente nisso para todos!”
“As práticas de mindfulness são óptimas, ensinaram-me a gerir a ansiedade e o medo, o que no geral me deixou mais feliz e saudável, participei em 4 das 6 sessões. POR FAVOR, traga Helen de volta para mais sessões para que possamos ter mais conhecimento e métodos para lidar com o estresse do trabalho e da vida doméstica, ela é incrível!”
“Worthwhile, useful, enlightening, thank you, Helen, it was amazing!”
“Practical approach, avoided being ‘airy-fairy’, life-enhancing, I am pleased that Hexagon has recognised the importance of Mindfulness and personal development, thank you!”
“Learning to help myself from within, lovely course, I’d do it again!”
“I would like to say a big thank you, Mindfulness has been a lifesaver, it’s given me back my confidence and enjoyment of life, I no longer stress but take in the moment and enjoy simple things around me that I took for granted, ‘birdsongs’, ‘wind in the trees!”
“Curso realmente agradável, ajuda o fato de o facilitador ser tão experiente e apaixonado, autêntico e contagiante!”
“Helen, you’re a wonderful human being and I thank you for helping me to help myself!”
“Thank you for all your help and support with your classes, it has changed me into becoming a better version of myself!”
“Encontrei um novo senso de calma e propósito, e novas ferramentas para fazer mudanças, obrigado!”
“The whole experience was enlightening and refreshing!”
“It has given me tools to enjoy life more!”
“An opportunity to improve my mind, body and soul!”
“Eye-opening and thought-provoking!”
“In the hectic world I live in the experience was super relevant for me, it has helped reduce my anxiety and headaches, and improve my sleep!”
“Very enjoyable, thank you for the last six weeks, helped with sleep and more time for myself!”
“Excellent relaxation, shifting off from everything for an hour but being aware that it’s still around you, thank you for your time!”
“Mind-changing, calm and at peace with myself, thank you so much, enjoyed the experience!”
“It was a pleasure being part of this and meeting Helen!”
“Achei as sessões muito relaxantes e tiveram um impacto muito positivo na minha vida, até fortaleceram um vínculo de amizade através de práticas e discussões comuns, muito obrigado!”
“Liberating, calming, helpful, great course, thank you, Helen!”
“Well worth time spent, extremely useful and something to develop further, enlightening, a great course of study, positive and enjoyable!”
“Magical Mindfulness, motivating me to be a better me, Helen’s patience and kindness are honestly breath-taking, this is a rewarding programme, specifically mentally.” – T. Chagweda; SE15
“Mindfully Magnificent, thank you so much, it has been a pleasure!” – C. Atkins; SE4
“Life-changing stuff; you rock!” – R. Davina; SE8
MINDFULNESS PROGRAMME - LEVEL ONE; Mindfulness for the Community
“This programme should be offered at job centres, it would help so many people, this has been the most positive thing I have done in a long time, the facilitator was excellent, brilliant!”
“Great delivery and very interesting, a fantastic course, so needed by all, great stuff!”
“I enjoyed this experience and discovered some of my faults I didn’t realise I had, I left each class feeling refreshed and would like to continue meditation!”
“Thank you, Helen, for your inspiration and kindness, everyone had a chance to be heard, you cared for all of us, we were all given time, I wish it was longer, it felt like too soon to stop!”
“Helen has been an inspiring influence as I continue my mindfulness journey, I feel she has given me the tools to continue to change into the best version of myself and improve the quality of life, for not only me but for my children also!”
“We love Helen, she is awesome!”
“I feel that I can see how to reach my goals more clearly, enlightening, motivating, just wished it was longer, loved every minute of it!”
“I needed this course at this time, I recommend it to my friends and family, really enjoyed every moment!”
“Brilliant, I’m really glad I participated in the course!”
“Incrível, útil, inspirador, curador, muito obrigado por me permitir participar e compartilhar esse conhecimento conosco!”
“This programme has been relevant and advantageous for my life, it’s been a real pleasure and very amazing to be with all the different people, Helen has been great and fantastic, excellent, very helpful programme, I wasn’t expecting this course to change my life, it’s had a great impact!”
Residentes do HEXÁGONO: OFICINA DE MINDFULNESS e MOTIVAÇÃO PARA TRABALHO; Associação de Habitação Hexágono
Contact HABITS about their mental and emotional health services in London & across the Home Counties
HABITS of London C.I.C | Registered in England & Wales | Company No: 10114035