Mindfulness Events in London

“Living Mindfully doesn’t mean I’m better than you are... Living Mindfully means I’m better than I was!” 



Maio de 2024


Um programa GRATUITO de gerenciamento de estresse de 10 semanas... ministrado pela HABITS of London CIC... financiado pelo National Lottery Community Fund

Learn the most effective way to manage stress, negative emotions & other health challenges so you can go on to live a satisfying life… the one of your choosing!

A HABITS of London CIC tem o prazer de confirmar e anunciar o local e as datas deste evento fortalecedor:

DATES:    10th May - 12th July 2024

TIME:       10:00 - 13:00 (Every Friday)

VENUE:    The Green,

      5 Nunhead Green,

      LONDON SE15 3QQ

  • Commitment to all 10–weeks is required
  • For Adults 18 years + 

For full details & to book your place on this life-empowering, life-changing programme click on this Eventbrite link or on the button below. To download a copy of the programme information leaflet & the event flyer click on the respective buttons below. To find out more about Mindfulness... click here.

"The Mind is a Supreme Servant... but a Monstrous Master!"

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Reserve M4L @ Eventbrite Download M4L Event Flyer Download M4L Information Leaflet


June 2024



Um programa GRATUITO de gerenciamento de estresse de 6 semanas... ministrado pela HABITS of London CIC... apoiado pela United St.

For those with busy working lives... learn the most effective way to manage stress and be empowered to live the life of your choosing!

Date:     7th June - 12th July

Day:       Every Friday Evening

Time:     6pm - 8pm

Venue:   Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts

               120 Peckham Hill Street

               London SE15 5JT

For full details about this Mindfulness for Mental Wealth (M4MW) programme & to book your place… click here to go to EVENTBRITE. Click the buttons below to download a copy of the programme information leaflet & the event flyer.

"Your mind has the answers... You just need to know how to find them!"

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Book M4MW @ Eventbrite Download M4MW Event Flyer Download M4MW Information Leaflet

New Date: To be confirmed


A Mindfulness Masterclass

Para você... "Mulher Fenomenal": Você às vezes ou muitas vezes se sente confusa... agitada... desanimada... perdida... invisível... "velha" e cansada... ou simplesmente deseja naturalmente sentir e parecer mais saudável e feliz? Então aproveite esta oportunidade única para se aventurar com outras mulheres fenomenais nesta notável jornada transformadora e estimulante que tem o poder de: superar seus desafios e capacitá-la a se tornar o que você tem de melhor, em direção ou através deste processo natural da vida.

For full details of this visionary & revolutionary event, & to book your place, just click the button below. For brief details and to obtain your own copy of the event programme, to forward or print, click the link further below to download the event flyer.


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  • Book @ Eventbrite

  • Book @ Eventbrite
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A 10-Week Mindfulness & Motivation Wellbeing Programme for Young People

Following the success of the "Aspire to Achieve" programme (see below)... delivered in collaboration with Lambeth Made partnerships... HABITS of London C.I.C. delivered the FREE 10-WEEK MOTIVATION & MINDFULNESS PROGRAMME FOR YOUNG PEOPLE for & on behalf of Streatham Youth Community Trust (SYCT) as part of their "Road to Success" (R2S) Employability programme. As a participant on the R2S programme they also had a fabulous opportunity to gain access to a FREE course of driving lessons... which included fully-paid theory and practical tests.

Para mais detalhes sobre os Programas de Empregabilidade do SYCT, entre em contato com: younghub@syct.org.uk ou acesse: https://syct.org.uk/ Alternativamente, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com a HABITS.



A Motivation & Mindfulness Programme for Young People

Original Programme Flyer

Aspire to Achieve - Promotional Video

The Aspire to Achieve Mindfulness & Motivation programme enables participants (age 18 - 30 years) to overcome the barriers preventing them from making changes towards a desired career and meeting other life goals. Attending the programme gives them the opportunity to become better versions of themselves by learning how to increase and enhance self-confidence, self-esteem, awareness and motivation through clear and simple understanding of the processes underpinning motivation and the benefits of Mindfulness.

A2A Graduation - "What's App?"

What the Young Aspirers & Achievers were saying!

“Made me look deeper into my mind; helped me come to an understanding of it and how I think of myself.”

“Through learning about motivation and mindfulness I will be able to understand what it is I need to succeed in all aspects of life.”

“I’m starting to enjoy coming to the sessions; I find it is a place to express how I feel without being judged ."

“Estou feliz por participar destas sessões; aqui posso falar e expressar meus sentimentos mais profundos e aprender a controlar e evitar que os sentimentos tomem conta de mim."

“It was a great feeling to see how much I can relate with everyone else’s experiences; it excluded the feeling of being alone or not being understood.”

“Happy to attend; I enjoyed the sessions & the company; made me feel that I’m in the right place.”

Motivation & mindfulness for Life - 2022



To book a place on the MINDFULNESS FOR LIFE 2024 programme please click on this EVENTBRITE link. To book onto any of our other programmes, please complete the ‘BOOKING FORM‘ using the message section to state which programme. We will endeavour to respond to your message within 48 hours.

In the meantime... please don't hesitate to contact HABITS using the  details below or the form on the 'CONTACT PAGE' if you require further information about any of our programmes or services.


M L Helen Raphael

44 75757 35538



Motivation & Mindfulness for Work

Article for Home News

Hexagon Neighbourhood Event

Mindfulness não é mágica, milagre ou mistério… no entanto, os benefícios e resultados podem parecer bastante milagrosos, misteriosos e mágicos. Moradores e visitantes do Evento do Bairro Claybank vivenciaram a maravilha simplista da Atenção Plena por meio de uma breve introdução à teoria e uma prática de Atenção Plena do Som. “É como cair no meu eu interior e encontrar o meu verdadeiro eu”; “É como se eu pudesse ouvir o mundo inteiro” - feedback de Sian e Samuela, de 8 anos, que experimentaram Mindfulness pela primeira vez. Foi a primeira vez que entreguei Mindfulness para crianças e, embora conheça o poder da prática de Mindfulness, fiquei surpreso e profundamente comovido com as respostas. Mindfulness é para todos e um objetivo para toda a vida é entregá-lo a todos.


The Neighbourhood Mindfulness taster session was the first instalment of a holistic health initiative encouraging residents to sign-up for the prospective full programme.

A Black History Celebration of

Health, Healing and Happiness

Breaking Bad Habits - Lecture at London South Bank University

Helen in Action

A Black History Celebration of

Health, Healing and Happiness

Breaking Bad Habits - Lecture at London South Bank University

Helen in Action

View what participants... partners... & professionals have to say about HABITS & their programmes.

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